I am an expert user researcher, specialising in building new user research teams and games user research.
Games User Research
I give talks and write about user research for video games, and provide user research consultancy for games studios from AAA to indie.
Prior to this I was a senior user researcher for PlayStation. Many of the games I worked on are listed below.
I started, and ran the Games User Research mentoring scheme, for five years which has linked over 150 students with more than fifty industry professionals from top games companies such as Sony, EA, Valve, Ubisoft and Microsoft.
My book on How To Be A Games User Researcher is out now.
Establishing Research Teams
I have started new user research teams for Parliament and for the UK’s largest publisher. I continue to write, and give talks on how to integrate user research into product development for teams who are new to this.
I have helped many companies start their own user research team.
My bestselling book Building User Research Teams is out now.
Some of my games.
I work under NDA with mobile studios, indie teams, AAA teams & VR studios to help them run playtests, and learn how to integrate user research into their production process.

Prior to this I was a lead user researcher for the PlayStation VR headset, and many of PlayStation’s titles including:
- BigFest (PS Vita)
- InviZimals: The Alliance (PS Vita)
- Horizon: Zero Dawn (PlayStation 4)
- LittleBigPlanet 3 (PlayStation 4)
- Murasaki Baby (PS Vita)
- No Man’s Sky (PS4, PC)
- PlayStation Vita Pets (PS Vita)
- PlayStation VR Worlds (PlayStation VR)
- RESOGUN (PlayStation 4)
- RIGS: Mechanized Combat League (PlayStation VR)
- Rush of Blood (PlayStation VR)
- SingStar: Ultimate Party (PlayStation 4)
- That’s You! (PlayStation 4)
- Wonderbook: Book of Potions (PlayStation 3)
- Wonderbook: Walking With Dinosaurs (PlayStation 3)
Other released titles I performed user research for include:
- DriveClub (PlayStation 4)
- Infamous: Second Son (PlayStation 4)
- LittleBigPlanet Vita (PS Vita)
- LittleBigPlanet Karting (PlayStation 3)
- Music Unlimited (PlayStation 4)
- Playroom (PlayStation 4)
- Puppeteer (PlayStation 3)
- Ratchet and Clank (PlayStation 4)
- Ratchet and Clank: QForce (PlayStation 3)
- RiME (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Microsoft Windows)
- Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time (PlayStation 3)
- Smart As (PS Vita)
- Soul Sacrifice (PS Vita)
- Tearaway (PS Vita)
- Tearaway Unfolded (PlayStation 4)
- The Unfinished Swan (PlayStation 3)
- Wonderbook: Book of Spells (PlayStation 3)
- Wonderbook: Diggs NightCrawler (PlayStation 3)
I continue to consult for games and virtual reality software.