User Research

User Research

How to make an effective usability persona

Personae (or personas if you prefer) are an important part of a user centered design process, and one of the key ways in which usability experts can communicate their findings. I’m going to look at how to make a persona, and what the advantages are to you, and the design team How to make a…

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150 150 Steve Bromley

Selling Usability by John Rhodes Book Review

Last month, the UX Brighton Book Club read Selling Usability, a new book by John Rhodes that claims to reveal the secrets to infiltrating usability and UX practises into your workplace. Having not finished the book by the time of the meeting, I missed what the UX Brighton people thought of Selling Usability, however I’m…

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150 150 Steve Bromley

Happy New Decade

Welcome to 2010, hope everyone had a great holiday. Straight back onto UX issues - For my HCI Coursework, I'm designing a new product, with a focus on evaluating the user requirements - To do this, I've made a survey (keeping in mind the issues I raised on

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150 150 Steve Bromley

Five essential iPhone apps for usability professionals

As you may have noticed, I like my iPhone. But the iPhone is not just for

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150 150 Steve Bromley

Conducting an Expert Review

Within our HCI classes, we have started reviewing the UX of an upcoming multi-platform game from a prominent client, and are performing an expert review on it.  An expert review, as opposed to a user-based study, involves having usability experts play the game themselves, and uses tools and their expertise to find faults. This is…

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150 150 Steve Bromley