Games User Research

Games User Research

Will kids like my game?

“Will people like my game?” is a hard question for user researchers. This is doubly so when asking “Will children like my game?” In this article I look at why this is the case, and what games user researchers can do about it.

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150 150 Steve Bromley

Playtesting doesn’t “make games easier”

I was surprised to see the amount of misinformation and disdain for playtesting within

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150 150 Steve Bromley

Games User Research in 2013

As we dive into 2013, I was interested in what this year may hold for the games user research field. I’ve asked a number of researchers, representing commercial research and academia, what they are excited about for the industry in 2013, and what they think the big themes of the next year will be for…

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150 150 Steve Bromley

5 achievement sins in games

I’ve discussed before how

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150 150 Steve Bromley

Collectables in games – Best Practises

In most current-gen action-adventure or FPS games collectables are common. Usually linked to trophies, they allow designers to extend the life span of their game, by giving the player additional meta-goals to complete. However, making successful collectables is not as simple as just placing random objects throughout your game. I’ve written about

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150 150 Steve Bromley