User Research

User Research

How to avoid ethical pitfalls when working with users

As I’ve mentioned before, an ideal research study on users would be done through observation of their behaviour without their knowledge. Since people’s behaviour changes when under observation, or when people think they’re being observed, this has a direct effect on the quality of the data recorded. As promoters of user insight in design, it’s…

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150 150 Steve Bromley

How presentation affects perception when working with users

In our Human Centred Computing Systems lecture, Dr Chris Frauenberger relayed a story where shoppers were asked, after having walked past a row of products, which item they preferred. Inevitably, all shoppers said they preferred the final option presented to them – regardless of the order in which the items appeared. This is a key…

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150 150 Steve Bromley

Designing Interfaces by Jenifer Tidwell – Book Review

Jenifer Tidwell’s book aims to not only help you make the right design decisions when creating an interface such as a webpage or application, but also aims to justify why you’ve made the right choices! Designing Interfaces takes the idea of a sourcebook, with a variety of design solutions at your fingertips, but expands this…

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150 150 Steve Bromley

Ethnography as an application of third space theory

After many competing companies had failed, IBM were tasked with creating an air traffic control system. As you can imagine in this setting a correct solution was crucial – lives were at risk if anything went wrong. The first thing IBM’s designers did was go to the air traffic control tower for a few weeks,…

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150 150 Steve Bromley

Unintentionally designing with users.

Participatory design is the idea of involving every stakeholder in design decisions when creating or maintaining a product or service. As a formal process, it is at the more extreme end of human centred design – rather than just analysing users and using this to inform the design; it gives the user’s direct control over…

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150 150 Steve Bromley